For Aid


It begins with you and your community.

We help you create reproducible capacity, not dependence. Delivering local solutions shaped by a global perspective.

We are occasionally asked if we are “faith-based.”  In our view, we are all, in a sense, faith-based as our actions result from our beliefs, or “faith.”  Nonetheless, we get why in our western, compartmentalized world this question makes sense to many. Organizationally, we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is not officially aligned with any particular church.  We are comprised of, and partner with, people who desire to live missionally in obedience to scripture.  Vocationally they may be engineers, businesspeople, literacy workers, farmers, ranchers, retirees, ministers, or any other number of vocations.

Our Worldview

Our worldview has two primary tenets:  1) God is missional.  Everything He has done, and will do, is intentional.  He has a plan and is at work to reconcile the world unto Himself; and 2) The cross changes everything.  Our sin separated us from God and placed us at the center of all of our experience.  The cross redeems us and, when we accept the grace of His salvation, restores us to a right relationship with Him at the center of all – our relationships with others, our work, His creation, and, of course, our personal relationship with Him.

Our formal remit is broad-based in order to provide the legal framework for us to work with almost any partner who shares our worldview.  In general, however, our work is informed by these scriptures:  Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 10:45, and Isaiah 58 which we represent with the phrase: Go, Serve, Reach, Teach, and Repeat.  On any given day you may find us engaged in rural development activities in Oklahoma, urban agriculture in Oklahoma City, working with local partners in Burundi, helping to facilitate the work of churches seeking to reach the lost in Slovakia, supporting training activities in Hungary, or any number of other service projects as we seek to join God in His mission of reconciliation. 

God is Missional:

Everything He has done, and will do, is intentional.  He has a plan and is at work to reconcile the world unto Himself

The Cross Changes Everything:

Our sin separated us from God and placed us at the center of all of our experience.  The cross redeems us and restores us.

Our Services


Often organizations just want to complete a project, not run a new nonprofit to make it happen.  This frequently means you need a partner to help execute your vision.  This may mean helping with simple things like international money transfers or providing more complex services necessary to implement your plan.


Navigating the realities of a complex world with limited personnel and/or time can be challenging.   From facility reviews to Missions strategies and more, we’re here to help you sort through these challenges with a focus on strategic alignment founded on Biblical principles.

Strategic Partnership

We are intentionally positioned to facilitate partnerships across traditional boundaries be they secular/government, denominational, or just geographic boundaries.  We frequently facilitate projects among partners that include US government agencies, private and public universities, NGOs, and churches.

Looking to get something started?

Looking for a
way to get involved?


For the Church.

Why should churches be involved in development activities?

For far too long, within the paradigms of church in western society, there has been a discomfort, even an avoidance, of venturing into meaningful development activities, business activities specifically. Most often that is because the non-profit conclusion is that for-profit ventures can’t fit within our activities. Is that true?


Our worldview is how we conceive the world to be.  It tends to develop organically as a result of the culture within which we live. Genesis tells us that in the beginning, God created all.  And by “all” we mean “all.”  He had a perfect plan for how we relate to Him, how we relate to others, how we relate to His creation, and how we work (i.e. the economy).  He was the center of this plan and it was perfect.

A Framework for the Church

Do you have a clear, articulated and activated framework for engagement as a church? This resource is intended to create a framework where scripture provides the foundational constructs from which the church engages with society, particularly as it relates to church strategy and the development of specific activities for such an engagement.


We’d love to hear from you!

Whether you have a current project in the work or a strategic partnership in mind, this is the best way to get the ball rolling with Tapestry. If you have a question or need some more basic info, we’re here for that too. Just fill out the brief form and we will get something scheduled!

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